Teen Animal Porn

Animal Porn is a subgenre of pornography focused on female performers of bestiality or animal sex acts, typically such as dog licking, pig fucking and cat licking. Some consider animal pornography to be deviant but multiple causes could explain this behavior: repeated sexual abuse in early childhood as well as exposure to numerous internet-based pornographic websites with bestiality/voyeurism content may play a part.

Ashley Emery, 44, admitted possessing extreme animal porn and was targeted by two paedophile hunters acting as children to catch him. They sent explicit messages to an imaginary girl named Alexis and planned a meeting place near central London.

He was caught using an app called Kick on mobile phones, and jailed for 22 months with orders to complete a rehabilitation activity program and 45 days of unpaid work; also destroy his hard drive for laptop. Judge described him as a liar while swearing in court – video footage from this incident has since gone viral online; three counts of making indecent images of children were brought against him as well as 12 extreme animal images.